Guided Deep Dive Journeys:
Ceremonial Workshops

Covenant Ceremony
5-MEO-DMT Journey 1:1 Ratio
A Bond - A Pledge - A Commitment
The Covenant Ceremony is a sacred and spiritual bond that you make with yourself through the use of 5-MEO-DMT, the God Molecule . It is a pledge to yourself to undergo a metamorphosis and a commitment to yourself to invest in intentional mindfulness and to maintain consistant, wholistic integration in your life. The Covenant Ceremony is an advanced psychedelic experience that can shake you to the core of your identity and existence and not one to take lightly. Professional guidance is required for a 1:1 ratio experience. At Lucinor we require a lead guide and a secondary guide be present for all ceremonies.
Therapeutic use of 1:1 ratio 5-MEO-DMT can can be profound and healing, revealing repressed traumas and opening the seeker to a state of peace and gratitude. Seekers may experience divine unity with all consciousness, feel like their true self and also dissolve the ego entirely. The afterglow of the experience can bring deep gratitude and grounding, leading to a transformed perspective on life. The memories of the experience, combined with psychedelic integration, can inform everyday life and increase appreciation for being alive in a human body.
Included in the Covenant Experience:
3 hour intake session (Required): Medical history, Mental Health History, Contraindications and General Ceremony Preparation.
Covenenant Ceremony: 5-6 hours total length (dosage is approximate and subjective on a case by case basis)
3 Stage Titration:
Guided Meditation
Handshake: 3 second inhale (5-7 min 3 mg)
Hug: 6 second inhale (10-15 min 6mg)
Full Embrace: 10-12 second inhale (20-40 min 10-12 mg)
Vegan or Pescatarian meal provided
3 Post-ceremony Integration Sessions (Required & online available)
Contact us for a personalized quote and more information on pricing.
Communion Ceremony: Exploring Inner Realms
NN-DMT Journey 9:1 Ratio
A Leap - A Journey Inward - An Unbinding
The Communion Ceremony is an exploration of your own level of access to your own inner realms and potentially, realms of an interdimensional nature, through the use of NN-DMT, the Spirit Molecule. It is an intensely personal experience where you may visit virtually constructed rooms of comteplation (waiting rooms), travel through interdimensial portals (Hyperspace Ways), visit sacred temple landscapes, witness and experience emmersive sacred geometry (Tesseracts) and interact with autonomous entities in lower to higher dimensions of existence. The Communion Ceremony is an advanced psychedelic experience that can shake you to the core of your identity and existence and not one to take lightly. Professional guidance is required for a 9:1 ratio experience. At Lucinor we require a lead guide and a secondary guide be present for all ceremonies.
Therapeutic use of 9:1 ratio NN-DMT can can be profound and healing, revealing repressed traumas, information and opening the seeker to a state of acceptance and surrender. Seekers may experience divine unity with all consciousness, feel like their true self and also dissolve the ego entirely. The afterglow of the experience can bring deep gratitude and grounding, leading to a transformed perspective on life. The memories of the experience, combined with psychedelic integration, can inform everyday life and increase appreciation for being alive in a human body.
Included in the Communion Experience:
Detailed Intake Form (Required): Medical history, Mental Health History, Contraindications, Dietary restrictions and General Ceremony Preparation.
Covenenant Ceremony: (dosage is approximate and subjective on a case by case basis)
MAOI (Mono-amine Oxidase Inhibitor 200mg Syrian Rue 30 mins)
Guided Meditation (10-20 min)
Initial Journey (10-20 min 30-40 mg)
Secondary Journey (5-20 min 5-40mg)
Personal Journaling & Journey documentation (10 min)
Share Circle (Optional in private & group setting)
Contact us for a personalized quote and more information on pricing.
Post Ceremony Integration available upon request with a Registered Clinical Counsellor.) NOT REQUIRED*

Individually Curated
Guided Journeys
Custom Tailored Stacking
Individually Designed Ceremony
Individually curated guided journeys are designed based on your specific and wholistic needs. Medical history, contraindications, allergies and preference are taken into account when creating psychedelic stacks. Stacking is the practice of blending different psychedelic medicines. Professional guidance is required for all individually curated guided journeys. At Lucinor we require a lead guide and a secondary guide be present for all ceremonies.
Therapeutic use of stacked psychedelic medicines can can be profound and healing, revealing repressed traumas and opening the seeker to a state of peace and gratitude. Seekers may experience divine unity with all consciousness, feel like their true self and also dissolve the ego entirely. The afterglow of the experience can bring deep gratitude and grounding, leading to a transformed perspective on life. The memories of the experience, combined with psychedelic integration, can inform everyday life and increase appreciation for being alive in a human body.
Included in the Individually Curated Experience:
3 hour intake session (Required): Medical history, Mental Health History, Contraindications and General Ceremony Preparation.
Ceremony: 5-6 hours total length (dosage is approximate and subjective on a case by case basis):
Guided Meditation 20 mins
Medicine 4 hrs
Drifting Down 1 hr
3 Post-ceremony Integration Sessions (Required & online available)
Contact us for a personalized quote and more information on pricing.
Private Psychedelic Soundbath
1.5 hrs $400-$1000
(up to 10 people max)
Embark on a transformative journey through the ethereal realms of sound with our mesmerizing psychedelic sound bath, curated by music and psychedelic psychotherapist, Joney Poon. Immerse yourself in a symphony of frequencies that transcends the ordinary, unlocking a cascade of vibrant sensations and inner harmony. Elevate your consciousness and let the waves of sonic bliss guide you to a place of profound serenity. Unleash the power of sound; embrace the extraordinary in our psychedelic sound bath experience. Lucinor can customize medicine request for each group and/or each attendee.